Our Blog

What Does A Toothache Mean?

Do you have pain or sensitivity in one or more of your teeth? If so, this could be an indicator of a serious oral health problem. Without treatment, your discomfort could worsen, along with the risks to your smile. What does a toothache mean? When should you see the dentist for treatment? […]

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April Events In Astoria

Spring is finally here! Now that we’re finally leaving winter behind, why not see what is happening in your community? There are a lot of fun and unique events taking place in Astoria this month. In addition, if you want to greet the warm weather with a brighter smile, we can brighten your teeth with […]

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How Do You Address A Gummy Smile?

Do you suffer from a gummy smile? This odd term refers to a smile that has excessive gum tissue, often resulting in embarrassing cosmetic issues with a patient’s smile. Fortunately, we can address the issue with gum contouring, allowing us to remove excessive tissue and reshape the gum line. Do you have any questions about […]

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5 Benefits Of Dental Veneers

Last week, we looked at two different cosmetic procedures, teeth whitening and dental bonding. Today, we’re going to look at one procedure that can completely alter a tooth’s appearance, offering the benefits of both of those procedures at once. What benefits do dental veneers offer? […]

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March Community Events

We’re proud to serve such a unique and vibrant community as Astoria. In addition to highlighting our dedication to dentistry, we also like our blog to focus on events happening in the community. In March, there will comedy shows, new plays, and even opportunities to watch Jamaica’s National Dance Company perform. In addition, don’t forget […]

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