What Is TMJ Disorder?

In the United States, studies show around 12 million people suffer from the widespread oral health concern known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. Related to the jaw joints, TMJ disorder can lead to serious complications and uncomfortable symptoms. What is TMJ disorder? How do you recognize and treat this disorder?

Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ Disorder

Question: What causes TMD?

Answer: The disorder develops when our jaws undergo excessive amounts of strain. This stress can be the result of tooth loss, injury, misalignment, and bruxism (teeth grinding/clenching). We will need to perform a through diagnosis to pinpoint the exact cause of your strain before prescribing treatment.

Question: How do I recognize the warning signs of the disorder?

Answer: You may notice your jaw or face feels sore. You can also experience a popping or crackling sensation in your jaw. Headaches, neckaches, or pain in the neck or shoulders could be a warning sign. If one or more of these possible symptoms sound familiar then please contact our team today.

Question: How does not treating the issue impact my smile?

Answer: Without treatment, the severity of symptoms can grow more severe. In addition, you may have trouble fully opening and closing your mouth. In some cases, untreated TMD can make the onset of teeth grinding more likely, leading to further damage to your smile.

Question: How do you treat TMD?

Answer: In most cases, we can address the issue with a custom oral appliance. The device is similar in appearance and function to a nightguard. Worn while you sleep, the device repositions the jaw to ease strain on the jaw joints. You can also help by avoiding chewy foods, placing a warm compress against the side of the face when you feel discomfort, and cutting back on caffeine products. If you have questions about this disorder, or what you can do to treat it, then please contact our office today.

Would You Like to Learn More About TMJ Disorder?

At Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, we can use preventive dentistry to treat TMD. We’ve proudly served our patients in Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.