How Do You Treat Sleep Apnea?

Do you have difficulty sleeping? If you often feel exhausted during the day, then a sleep disorder may be responsible. Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, impacts over 12 million people in the United States. Fortunately, our office is equipped to diagnose and treat this sleep disorder, helping you rest easy once again.

Frequently Asked Questions About Treating Sleep Apnea

Question: What causes OSA to develop?

Answer: Sleep apnea can occur for a number of different reasons. When the soft tissues in your throat and mouth become too relaxed during sleep, they collapse and block your airflow. You stop breathing until the brain registers a sudden lack of oxygen and wakes you up. You may not remember being woken up, but this can happen hundreds of times each night. Neck circumference, age (55 and older), gender (primarily impacts men), excessive alcohol consumption, congestion, and sleeping positon can all impact your risk.

Question: How do I recognize the warning signs of the disorder?

Answer: You may snore with regularity and feel moody during the day. Patients with the disorder also have trouble concentrating during the day as well. You can also experience daytime drowsiness, as well as episodes of waking suddenly gasping for air or choking. These are all common warning signs of the disorder, and signify that you should see your dentist for a diagnosis.

Question: What happens if OSA isn’t treated?

Answer: Without treatment, the issue can lead to high blood pressure. Along with this comes a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

Question: How do you treat sleep apnea?

Answer: We will prescribe a custom oral appliance. Worn at night and similar in appearance to a nightguard, the device actually moves the jaw forward slightly, just enough to prevent the collapse of soft tissue during sleep. You can then avoid further apneic episodes.

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

At Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, we can provide a comfortable and minimally invasive solution to obstructive sleep apnea. We’ve proudly served our patients in Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.