What Causes Gum Disease?

If you brush and floss your teeth every day, and yet still develop gum disease, you may be inclined to wonder how these issues form in the first place. After all, the point of daily dental hygiene is to prevent these issues from arising, isn’t it? The answer is yes, but even the most diligent […]

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Why Your Body Needs a Clean Mouth

Last week, we discussed the importance of maintaining healthy nutrition levels for the good of your mouth. However, the need for fuel is not the only similarity between your mouth’s health and your body’s wellbeing. An influx of research has shown that poor oral health may be significantly linked to many serious illnesses, including lung […]

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How Well Do You Know Chocolate?

For quite some time, the general consensus has been that chocolate tastes too good to be anything but bad for you. Chocolate is adored for its rich texture and sweet flavor, but also feared for the same reasons. Luckily, a plethora of chocolate research has shown that the wealth of antioxidants found in chocolate can […]

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