Our Blog

October Fun In Astoria

With the fall weather finally cooling things down, you and your friends and family should head out and see what’s happening in Astoria. We live in a wonderful community in an amazing state, one we’re proud to be a part of and to serve by improving our patients’ oral health. We also like our patients […]

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October Events In Astoria

Enjoying the cooler weather? October is finally here and with it comes a host of fun festivals and activities. Today, we’re taking a look at a few of the fun and interesting things happening in our community. You can always find more details about these events by visiting weheartastoria.com. In addition, remember that you can […]

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5 Steps For Cavity Prevention

Developing a cavity is a serious oral health concern, one that can impact patients of all ages, from children to adults. Tooth decay can lead to discomfort, including tooth sensitivity and toothaches. In addition, without treatment decay may also progress into a dental infection. How do you prevent cavities? What steps can you take to […]

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Why Does My Jaw Pop And Click?

Do you ever notice that your jaw seems to pop or click? This odd and uncomfortable occurrence may actually be the result of a serious jaw joint disorder known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. Over time, the disorder can make opening and closing your mouth difficult. Using a comfortable and minimally invasive treatment option, our […]

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September Events in Astoria

Once again we’re taking a look at all of the fun and exciting events taking place in Astoria this month. Summer is finally coming to an end and the weather is becoming a lot more enjoyable. Why not leave the house and see what your city has to offer? In addition,remember that you can always schedule a visit […]

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Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Do you grind your teeth? For most people, periods of teeth grinding come and go, especially in young children. However, if you grind your teeth or clench your jaw persistently, then you may be suffering from a serious disorder known as bruxism. Without treatment, the disorder can soon damage teeth and lead to serious oral […]

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