When a tooth develops an infection or a dental abscess, treatment is crucial. Otherwise, serious pain and complications can arise, threatening the very stability of your smile. Fortunately, we can treat an infected tooth using an endodontic solution, such as a root canal. How do root canals treat dental infections? […]
Halloween Events In Astoria!
In less than two weeks, people across the city will be celebrating Halloween! Which means there will be so many fun and exciting events taking place in Astoria. So, why not head out in your costume and have a great time? In addition, remember that too much candy can absolutely increase your risk of decay, […]
What Can I Expect From A Crown Placement?
Last week, we took a look at how a filling can repair a decayed tooth. However, in some cases a filling just isn’t substantial enough to repair a tooth. We can often place a custom-made dental crown to repair damaged teeth or address decay or infection. What can you expect from a crown placement? […]
Ready For A Cavity Treatment?
If you have tooth decay, then treatment is needed to avoid serious complications. Nearly everyone will develop a cavity at some point in their lives, fortunately we can provide lifelike and strong restorations to address the problem. Are you ready for a cavity treatment? […]
Quiz: Don’t Forget Your Cleaning!
We’ve recently talked about the importance of a routine checkup, but there is also another regular treatment you need to enjoy good oral health. A dental cleaning can help remove harmful buildup and protect your smile from serious oral health concerns. So, don’t forget your regular cleaning! […]
Fun October Events In Astoria
How are you enjoying the fall weather? With a cooler, crisp feel in the air, why not head out this weekend and see what events are taking place in Astoria? There’s fun for the entire family, including a Halloween costume swap, a dance festival, and more. In addition, remember we’re available to help you enjoy […]
How Do We Examine Your Smile During A Checkup?
We recommend that our patients undergo routine dental exam every six months. During your checkup, we will look for signs of possible issues with your smile. Identifying these problems early can help safeguard your smile against serious complications. How do we examine your smile during a checkup? […]
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What Do You Know About TMJ Disorder?
Our jaw joints provide the range of motion needed to eat and speak. When these same joints undergo excessive strain, then a serious oral health disorder can arise. What do you know about TMJ disorder (TMD)? What warning signs should you be aware of and what solutions can the dentist provide? […]
What Causes Teeth Grinding?
Do you regularly grind your teeth? If so, you may be wondering why this happens and what you can do to stop it. Fortunately, we can provide assistance. We have treatment options to help you enjoy a healthy smile and prevent further damage to your teeth as a result of bruxism. […]
Can You Treat Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, can lead to exhaustion and serious complications. Treating the disorder is crucial for remaining productive and enjoying a good quality of life. Fortunately, we can treat sleep apnea using comfortable and minimally invasive solutions, and without a cumbersome CPAP machine! […]