A dental emergency means any damage or pain to your teeth or gums. If the issue is potentially life threatening, you should proceed to the nearest emergency room or call 911. Otherwise, your Astoria, NY, dentist can offer repair for everything from aching teeth to loose restorations, or even a chipped or cracked tooth. […]
5 Benefits Of Tooth Replacement With Dental Implants
While bridges and removable dentures offer quality tooth replacement, dental implants offer a host of additional benefits for a smile’s health and appearance. For our Astoria, NY, patients with minor or advanced tooth loss, dental implants can help secure long-lasting and lifelike replacement teeth. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the benefits of […]
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How Do You Place Implant Dentures?
If you have a single missing tooth, then we may suggest a single tooth dental implant. But what if you have multiple missing teeth? Instead of relying solely on traditional bridges and removable dentures, we may actually use implant dentistry to provide a more secure and longer-lasting alternative. In today’s blog, we’re looking at how […]
Creating Cosmetic Veneers To Improve Smile Beauty
We have a number of treatment options designed to improve smile beauty and help you enjoy better oral health. However, we have one unique cosmetic treatment meant to completely transform a smile, often in just two visits. In today’s blog, let’s look at how your Astoria, NY, dentist improves smile beauty using our custom-made porcelain […]
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Improving Smile Beauty With Contouring
Cosmetic care doesn’t always rely on multiple visits. In fact, we often correct smiles in Astoria, NY, in one visit with a contouring procedure. While very different, both gum and tooth contouring provide a means of repairing smiles and correcting esthetics issues quickly, helping patients enjoy a healthy and stunning smile. In today’s blog, we’re […]
How Does Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Dental Alignment?
Cosmetic dentistry brightens smiles, and even repairs minor damage. But can we use cosmetic care to address poor alignment? For those with crooked or crowded teeth, we have a solution that doesn’t require metal braces. Instead, we provide our Astoria, NY, patients with a series of clear and comfortable acrylic aligners. […]
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Repairing Teeth With Cosmetic Dentistry
If a tooth becomes chipped or broken, how will your smile look following repair? At one time, people had to receive metal restorations to address these concerns. Now, we can often place alternatives that are not only metal-free, but have the capabilities to blend with your smile. Let’s talk about the cosmetic repairs we offer […]
Ready For A Cosmetic Solution To Your Discoloration?
Do you have stained teeth? We may develop unsightly brown or yellow stains for a number of reasons, from our diet choices to our smoking habits. But what solutions do we offer for stained smiles? While store bought systems may offer less-than-dazzling results and cause tooth sensitivity, we have a professional system to brighten smiles […]
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What’s Happening In Astoria Over The Weekend?
The April holidays may be over, but there are still plenty of fun and exciting events taking place this weekend. Celebrate the end of the month by painting a masterpiece or visiting your local indie bookstore. Remember, we’re available to help you enjoy healthier smiles and improved oral health before your next community event! […]
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Will A Mouthguard Stop My Sleep Apnea?
If you have trouble sleeping due to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you may need treatment. If you’ve heard that a mouthguard can help stop sleep apnea, well, that’s almost true. We don’t just prescribe a mouthguard for our Astoria, NY, patients, but a custom-made device that fits like one. How does this unique device help […]