Well, December is coming to an end, and 2019 with it! In today’s blog, we would like to talk about all of the fun and exciting events taking place in Astoria. In addition, remember that we’re available to help you enjoy a healthy smile, with a full range of preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments to […]
When Does A Smile Need A Root Canal?
A root canal is often maligned as an uncomfortable procedure. However, in reality the treatment is safe, comfortable, and crucial for avoiding tooth loss and painful symptoms due to infection or abscess. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will talk about repairing and restoring teeth with our root canal treatment. […]
What Dentures Do You Have For People With Missing Teeth?
When you lose several of your natural teeth or even all of them, then you definitely need to see your Astoria, NY, dentist. With a custom-made replacement option, we can help people once again enjoy a full and functional smile, one that looks natural and reflects their facial structure. In today’s blog, we’re talking about […]
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Fun Community Events In Astoria
Once again, we would like to take a look at fun holiday related events taking place in Astoria, NY, this weekend! We hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday, and we also hope some of these events help bring a little laughter to your shopping and planning. In addition, remember you can schedule a […]
How Do I Preserve My Dental Bridge?
When an Astoria, NY, residents sees us with one or more missing teeth, we often help by placing a lifelike dental bridge. But once you receive a dental prosthetic, how to you protect it and keep it strong? What steps can you take to prevent further tooth loss as well? In today’s blog, we have […]
A Solution For Your Chipped Or Cracked Tooth
As we mentioned in our latest blog, a dental filling treats a decayed tooth. But what happens when your tooth becomes damaged, developing chips or fractures? In order to provide repair for damaged teeth, then your Astoria, NY, dentist may place a dental crown. Not only are these restorations durable, but they can blend with […]
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Treating Your Cavities Before The Holidays
Do you have a toothache? While aches are common in the winter due to the chill in the air or sinus issues, persistent pain could mean a cavity. If you have a toothache or tooth sensitivity, the you may need to see our team for treatment. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about […]
Common Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea
Did you know that millions of people in the United States suffer from poor sleep as a result of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Often, people with the disorder don’t even realize they need treatment! In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how to identify OSA and when to see your dentist to discuss […]
How Do I Know If I’m Grinding My Teeth?
In our last blog, we took a look at a common jaw joint disorder known as TMD. In today’s blog, we would like to discuss a related issue, bruxism. This disorder occurs when you grind and clench your teeth regularly. But how do you know if you have bruxism? Let’s look at what causes the […]
You Can Discuss TMJ Disorder At Your Next Dental Exam
While a toothache is certainly a cause for concern, there are other types of dental discomfort you should discuss with your dentist during a routine exam. When a person suffers difficult jaw movement, or when they have issues with pain in their face, neck, or head, they could be in need of help with TMJ […]
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