Our Blog

Could Grinding Teeth Break A Tooth?

If you have bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, this could do far more than interrupt your significant other’s sleep. Over time, the pressure from grinding and clenching your teeth could actually damage your smile. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will explain why you should seek treatment, and how we repair chipped or cracked […]

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Avoiding Pandemic Cavities

The pandemic has led to many people staying inside more, and as a result, snacking more frequently, increasing their risk of tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will explain what you can do to avoid pandemic-related cavities and improve the overall health and beauty of your smile! […]

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Why Do You Need A Checkup?

Everyone needs a checkup, even if they don’t consume foods and drinks with lots of sugar and even if they brush and floss regularly. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will explain why you need a checkup, how often you should see us, and what will happen during each of your visits. If you […]

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