Let’s Brighten Your Smile Before The Holidays

astoria teeth whiteningThe holidays are here! Hannukah, Christmas, and many other winter holidays will see people gathering with friends and loved ones. If you want your smile to look its best, then you may consider teeth whitening. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how our professional strips can brighten teeth by several shades.

Professional Whitening Strips

Our team will provide professional teeth whitening strips, which provide more dramatic results than traditional store-bought options. In addition, these results will be longer lasting. The strips can easily be used from home, and will offer smiles brightened by several shades in some cases. There is still time to contact our team and start treatment with them, so you can attend your holiday events with a bright and shining smile.

Masking Permanent Stains

We prescribe our whitening strips for surface stains, also known as extrinsic discoloration. But what about intrinsic stains? This discoloration forms beneath the enamel and can be difficult to address with most teeth whitening treatments. But we can still brighten your smile! Instead of removing discoloration, we could simply mask it in one visit with dental bonding, using a composite resin to cover the stains. Likewise, we could place thin porcelain veneers onto the front facing sides of the teeth, which masks teeth stains and also addresses issues with the shape of the teeth, and can even close unsightly gaps or correct the appearance of minor misalignment.

Reducing Stains From Home

You can also take steps to help your newly brightened smile remain free of major discoloration for longer periods. For example, cutting back on sugary and starchy foods and drinks is helpful, as this deprives bacteria of the particles needed to create plaque buildup and make discoloration more visible. We also recommend taking time to brush twice a day for two minutes, and to floss every evening, as this removes stray food particles to lower the severity of plaque.

You can also cut back on beverages with dark pigments, like soda, tea, coffee, and red wine. Avoiding cigarettes and other tobacco products help keep teeth bright as well. Finally, be sure you see us for a checkup and cleanings every six months. The checkup is a chance to keep an eye on your smile for signs of trouble, and a cleaning means we can remove all plaque and tartar and then polish the smile. If you see us soon, you could even use your remaining 2022 dental insurance benefits.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dental Care?

Our team is eager to help you obtain a noticeably brighter smile! If you would like to learn more about removing unsightly discoloration, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.