Using Crowns To Strengthen Your Smile

astoria dental crownsWhen you have a tooth that is damaged, suffering from decay or infection, or is simply causing poor bite balance, then you need a restoration. Our team could repair and strengthen your tooth with the placement of a dental crown. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how we create and place a crown.

The Reasons a Tooth Needs Restoration

A dental crown can be used to strengthen your tooth and address a number of minor and serious oral health concerns. For example, placement could be used to repair cracked, chipped, or broken teeth to prevent cavities and infections. We also use them to treat advanced tooth decay and tackle infections for those receiving a root canal. Crowns can correct misshapen teeth and improve chewing function and bite balance too. We’ve also used them to aid in tooth replacement, as we can use one or two to support a dental bridge or one to restore an individual dental implant.

Creating a Custom Crown

To ensure proper treatment and a balanced bite, our team will custom-make each one. To get started, we will numb your tooth before we remove structure from it. Afterward, we will take detailed digital images of the tooth from multiple angles, and use them in the design and fabrication process. We then attach a temporary, so your tooth is protected until we can place the final one. When your crown is completed, we will check the fit and if needed, make any final adjustments. Finally, we connect your finished restoration with a powerful bonding agent. With good oral hygiene habits and regular visits door six-month checkup and cleanings, your new restoration can last for years to come!

The Materials We Use

Our team can use a host of different materials, but when possible, we opt for ones that look natural and blend with your smile. For example, we can use all-porcelain for the front facing teeth, which can be shaded to blend with your smile and offers the most lifelike appearance. The side and rear teeth must endure greater bite forces, so our team may recommend porcelain-fused-to-metal or zirconia, which are very strong and still able to be color matched to blend with your smile.

If you have a damaged or aching tooth and want to learn more about our custom restorations, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty again.

Talk To Your Astoria, NY Dentist About Custom Dental Restorations

We would like to help you enjoy good oral health and a strong smile with our durable and lifelike dental restorations, then please call Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS at 718-728-8320.