When Smiles Need Prosthetic Dentistry

astoria dental implants and prostheticsLosing your natural teeth could mean embarrassing gaps in your smile, and also major negative impacts on oral health and quality of life. To replace the missing teeth, our team could create custom prosthetics and secure them firmly. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about the benefits of a dental prosthetic.

The Causes and Risks of Tooth Loss

A tooth could be lost as a result of an unfortunate accident, or due to a cavity or infection that isn’t treated. The most common cause is periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When we lose teeth, this could leave spaces in our mouth. The surrounding teeth could drift from position and cause misalignment to develop. This changes your smile’s appearance and also leads to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. Missing teeth also alters bite balance and strains the jaw joints, two factors that could lead to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Your smile could even lose mass and density in the jawbone, as the body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the areas around the missing roots. This gradual breakdown is linked to further tooth loss, and for some, a prematurely aged appearance.

Dental Bridges

To avoid the complications we discussed above, you should discuss tooth replacement as soon as possible. For cases of one to three lost teeth in a row, our team could provide a dental bridge. The prosthetic contains new teeth (pontics) with crowns attached to each end. We craft them from ceramic, so they can endure bite forces and also be shaded to blend with your smile. The crowns will be attached to the natural teeth on either side of the gap, known as abutment teeth. They stay in place for 10 to 15 years, requiring replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape.

Full and Partial Dentures

If you have several gaps in your smile, too much for a bridge but not enough for a full denture, we could prescribe a partial. This contains new teeth made from materials like ceramic and set in an acrylic base that mimics the appearance of gum tissues. Metal clasps will attach to natural teeth and hold the removable denture firmly in place. We also have fulls, which replace every tooth on one or both arches. These can be held in place with suction or the assistance of an adhesive. Both options last about 5 to 10 years on average, as new ones will need to accommodate the changing shape of your jaw ridge.

Dental Implants

We can also secure bridges or dentures with dental implants, or even use them to replace individual missing teeth. Since these stimulate the growth of jawbone structure and are accepted as natural roots, this means your new teeth or prosthetics can last for decades to come!

Ready to Address Your Missing Teeth?

We would like to help people enjoy optimal oral health and quality life by maintaining a complete smile. If you would like to learn more about replacing a missing tooth or securing a full set of dentures, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.