Safeguarding Your Smile With Dental Cleanings

astoria dental cleaningsOver time, harmful layers of plaque and tartar can accumulate on your smile. These not only make stains more visible and cause bad breath, but they’re a major factor in the onset of tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how a dental cleaning can safeguard your smile.

The Rise of Plaque and Tartar

When we eat foods high in sugar or starch, or consume drinks with a lot of sugar, particles are left behind on and between our teeth. When oral bacteria break down and consume these particles, this elevates oral acidity and coats the teeth in plaque. This buildup hardens into tartar with time. This layer could weaken outer enamel, allowing tooth decay and dental infection to develop. These layers also irritate and inflame gum tissues, which increases the risk of gingivitis and even gum disease. As we touched on in the paragraph above, this layer can also cause bad breath, as an odor is released when bacteria break down food particles. The buildup also makes stains more visible.

Removal with Dental Cleanings

Brushing and flossing are not enough to remove the buildup. However, a dental cleaning can remove all plaque and tartar. Every six months, we will examine your smile and afterward, we will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to gently break up and remove all plaque and tartar. We then polish the teeth thoroughly for a brighter appearance. This helps protect the smile!

Easing Harmful Buildup

While brushing and flossing cannot remove all buildup, these steps can help limit how much accumulates on the teeth in between your visits, so you’re less likely to develop tooth decay and gum disease. You should brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Be sure you use a fluoride toothpaste when you do, and also take time to floss every evening before going to bed. These actions help remove stray particles left by your foods and drinks. You can also protect your smile by reducing your consumption of sugary foods and drinks too.

If you have any questions about how to care for your smile from home, contact our team today.  We can also schedule your next checkup and cleaning visit too. We want to make sure you continue to enjoy a healthy, bright, and strong smile.

Do You Need a Checkup Appointment?

Fighting harmful plaque buildup can help you enjoy better oral health, so you’re less likely to develop tooth decay and periodontal issues. To learn more about how we help keep your teeth strong and bright, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320. We would love to see you soon for a checkup and cleaning!