What Kind Of Cleaning Does A Smile Need?

astoria dental cleaningEvery smile needs to have a cleaning every six months. This is because plaque and tartar buildup accumulate over time and unless removed, could cause serious trouble for your oral health. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about two different cleaning options, and which might be right for you!

Traditional Dental Cleanings

The traditional dental cleaning is the one we recommend for everyone at six month intervals. These involve using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently and thoroughly break up and remove all plaque and tartar buildup. We then polish the teeth for a brighter appearance! This helps fight tooth decay, gingivitis, and even gum disease. People are less likely to develop bad breath and teeth stains as well. This benefits everyone, and if you haven’t had one the past several months, consider calling our office to schedule your next appointment.

Scaling and Root Planing

We also have a deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, that we recommend for people with the symptoms of gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease. These symptoms could include sore, red gums that bleed easily. With this procedure, we can reverse inflammation, or manage the early stages of periodontal disease to prevent worsening symptoms and tooth loss. The procedure involves again using an ultrasonic scaling device and manual tool., only this time to break up buildup from the teeth and the roots alike. The process could take one visit or up to four, depending on how severe the buildup is. We will numb the area beforehand, and also polish the teeth afterward. A traditional cleaning is then recommended every three to four months.

Controlling Plaque Buildup

Let’s talk about plaque and how it impacts your smile. The buildup is caused by oral bacteria breaking down and consuming particles of sugar and starch left behind by the foods and drinks we consume. The buildup will harden into tartar and removal with brushing and flossing will be impossible. The buildup then weakens the outer enamel and erodes it, creating tooth decay. This also irritates and inflames the gum tissues, so gingivitis and periodontal disease is more likely. To limit the severity of buildup in between your office visits, be sure you cut back on the amount of sugar and starch you consume, and brush and floss your teeth daily. Make time to see us for your regular checkup visits too!

Do You Have Questions About Preventive Treatment?

Our team wants to help improve overall health and smile beauty with routine visits. To learn more about safeguarding your smile from the impact of plaque buildup, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.