We Offer Treatment For Sleep Apnea

astoria sleep apnea

When we don’t rest, we often feel tired and irritable, and this could also lead to issues with our overall health. If you suffer from poor rest due to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or chronic snoring, then we could offer relief with an oral appliance. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about treating an issue like OSA.

What is OSA?

OSA is a disorder that causes you to stop breathing for brief periods several times a night. This happens when the soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat become too relaxed, collapsing and cutting off airflow. The brain wakes you to resume breathing. While you may not remember being woken up, this could happen hundreds of times each night, interrupting your sleep cycle and leaving you exhausted. This could even lead to serious health issues down the road. Causes include a large neck circumference, sinus or allergy issues, deviated septum, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, or issues with airway restriction.

The Symptoms and Impact of OSA

People with the disorder may report waking suddenly in the night choking or gasping for air, suffering from chronic snoring, feeling exhausted during the day, or moodiness. Over time, this could strain your immune system and leave you more susceptible to illness. Your cardiovascular system could also become stressed, which causes heart disease, high blood pressure, and in some cases, even stroke or heart attack. Which is why when you experience the symptoms we just discussed you should let us know right away so we can discuss the issue and if necessary, offer treatment.

Treatment with an Oral Appliance

An oral appliance is a device that looks and fits like a mouthguard, and is worn as you sleep at night. The device is custom-fitted and designed based on detailed digital images we take of your smile. When worn, the advice removes the jaw to ease strain and ensure open airways throughout the night. You then breathe without interruption, and receive treatment without surgery. You can also help your rest by sleeping on your side, not your back, and avoiding large meals, excessive alcohol, or vigorous exercise right before bed. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat sleep apnea, or if you would like to schedule a visit and use your 2021 dental benefits before they expire, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Poor Sleep?

We want to help you avoid the complication of an issue such as chronic snoring or OSA. To learn more about how we help our patients rest easier, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320. We want to help you maintain a strong and beautiful smile!