A Filling Could Bring You Toothache Relief

astoria toothache fillingsWith a cavity comes painful toothaches and sensitivity, as well as an increased risk of a dental infection. To bring relief, we may suggest a one-visit filling placement. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist discusses the warning signs of a cavity, and looks at how we secure a natural-looking solution with our metal-free dental fillings.

Toothaches and Tooth Decay

A cavity forms when the outer layer of enamel has been compromised, exposing the sensitive inner portions to bacteria. This could be due to poor oral hygiene habits causing plaque buildup and weakening enamel, or as an injury that cracks or chips a tooth. When a cavity forms it continues to grow and spread with time, eventually causing tooth sensitivity and painful toothaches. Lack of treatment could allow infections to develop that threatens the stability of your smile. If you attend six-month checkups, then we will likely identify the cavities in the early stages, before you experience discomfort. Otherwise, you need to let us know when you experience sensitivity or toothaches.

A Dental Filling

If we discover a cavity, we can likely address it in one visit with a filling. To begin, our team will administer a numbing agent and then gently remove all decay from the tooth. The area is then thoroughly cleaned and we apply the filling material. Instead of metal, we use a composite resin that can be shaded to blend with the tooth. The material is durable and long-lasting! After we apply this in several layers, we will sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures under a special light. The last step is to thoroughly polish the tooth for a brighter appearance. In one visit, we can repair and restore your smile!

Taking Preventive Actions

Now that you know how to recognize cavities and how we place a filling, what can you do to avoid them in the future? First, be sure you continue to brush and floss each and every day, as this helps limit plaque buildup by removing stray food particles. Every six months you also need to see us for a checkup and cleaning, so we can watch for signs of a cavity and also remove all harmful plaque and tartar buildup. You also help by cutting back on foods and drinks high in starches and sugars, as this also helps fight plaque. If you have any questions or concerns about treating cavities, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Tooth Decay?

Our team is ready to help you avoid infections due to untreated cavities. To learn more about how we offer lifelike restorative care, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.