What Dentures Do You Have For People With Missing Teeth?

When you lose several of your natural teeth or even all of them, then you definitely need to see your Astoria, NY, dentist. With a custom-made replacement option, we can help people once again enjoy a full and functional smile, one that looks natural and reflects their facial structure. In today’s blog, we’re talking about our lifelike dentures!

Full Dentures

As the name implies, a full set of dentures actually replaces every one of your teeth on one or both arches. We custom-make the prosthetic to ensure it fits properly, and also make sure that it looks natural and blends with your smile and facial structure. The prosthetic contains a full set of teeth created for strong and lifelike materials that can absorb bite forces and offer a natural appearance. The base the teeth are set in is made from acrylic and designed to mimic the appearance of gum tissue. Suction holds them in place, and some people may opt for additional assistance with a special adhesive.

Partial Dentures

If you have lost a substantial amount of teeth and have gaps spread out across your smile, then you may need a denture, but not necessarily a full one. A partial denture contains your new teeth and a base made from acrylic. However, there are also metal clasps that attach to your natural teeth and secure your new ones firmly in place. As with the full, they will be custom-made to ensure they blend with your smile seamlessly and also provide a secure and durable replacement option.

Implant-Retained Prosthetics

Did you know that we can also secure them with dental implants? A dental implant is actually inserted into the jawbone, where they bond with the bone tissue since they’re made from biocompatible titanium. After about three to four months, they will be ready to receive a prosthetic or restoration. We can place several per arch to secure a full or partial denture. The prosthetic won’t need to be removed for cleaning or soaking, and in addition, they never slip when you eat or speak. Since the dental implants stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue and prevents the loss of mass and density, this means the ridge never changes shape and your teeth can stay in place for decades, possibly a lifetime. In comparison, removable dentures need to be replaced every 5 to 10 year due to changes to the jaw ridge’s shape. If you have any questions about addressing tooth loss, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Dental Prosthetics?

Don’t let advanced tooth loss impact your ability to eat, speak, and enjoy a variety of foods. For more information on our tooth replacement options, then schedule a consultation, call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.