Halloween season is here, which means whether you’re a kid or an adult, you’re suddenly going to be inundated with plenty of sugary sweets. While Halloween is a fun holiday, and one we look forward to each year, we also understand that too much sugar could mean the onset of tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will look at what you can do to protect your smile during this spooky season.
How Does Candy Cause a Cavity?
When we consume candy and other sweets, this leaves behind sugar particles trapped on or between your teeth. This is especially true for sticky and chewy items, such as candies with caramel. Over time, bacteria will break down these particles, consuming them and raising oral acidity in the process. The teeth will also be coated in plaque, a sticky layer that could eventually weaken and erode your tooth enamel. The enamel erosion exposes the sensitive inner structure to bacteria, enabling a cavity to form and unless treated, a dental infection to arise.
Signs of Trouble
If you attend regular visits every six months, then we have a chance to identify cavities in the earliest possible stages, often before you experience uncomfortable warning signs. Otherwise, you may not know you need treatment until you experience tooth sensitivity or toothaches, with discomfort growing worse as the risk of infection increases. Don’t ignore pain in your smile. Let us know as soon as possible so we can perform an exam and if necessary, treat the decay before your smile is at risk!
Helping Out Little Smiles in Your Neighborhood
If your house or apartment is handing out candy this year, what if you instead you offer temporary tattoos, stickers, or Halloween-themed party favors? These items are fun and don’t put smiles at risk! You could also hand out sealed packages of nuts, trail mix, and other smile-healthy options. To help safeguard your own smile, try to limit how many sweets you eat each day, and follow them with a glass of water. Make sure you brush and floss daily to remove stray food particles and help prevent cavities. Make time to see us every six months for a detailed exam and cleaning, which identifies problem areas and removes all plaque from the smile, reducing the chances of cavities forming, and also safeguarding smiles against gum disease and other oral health concerns. If you have any questions, then contact our team today!
Do You Have Questions About Cavity Prevention?
Without routine care at home and in our office, you can safeguard your smile against cavities. For more information on our approach to preventive care, then schedule a consultation, call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.