How Our Team Will Brighten Your Stained Teeth

When you have dental discoloration, you may feel embarrassed about your appearance. But don’t waste your time with store bought options. Instead, your Astoria, NY, dentist offers a professional teeth whitening system you can use at home to brighten teeth by several shades, and we can also offer options to mask major discoloration!

The Facts About Teeth Stains

What causes these unsightly teeth stains to form on the surfaces of our smiles? For some, this could be due to consuming drinks with dark pigments, such a soda, red wine, coffee, and tea. For others, plaque buildup could make stains more visible. Plaque is often the result of a diet high in sugar and poor brushing and flossing habits. While the factors may vary, the presence of these stains could make you feel embarrassed, and store-bought strips and toothpastes may only offer minor results that last only a short time. Thankfully, we offer a professional solution that brightens smiles by multiple shades!

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

With the Ultradent treatment, we will begin by creating a custom set of plastic trays, crafted based on detailed images we take of your smile. The trays are then sent home with you, along with a very strong bleaching gel. For severe discoloration, we may recommend filling the trays and wearing them overnight, while others may need to wear them for only an hour a day. After a week to ten days, the use of these trays and gel can brighten smiles by as many as eight shades. This can even reach the inner dentin to tackle intrinsic discoloration too! You then have trays and gel to use for touch-ups down the road.

Masking Discoloration

Our team could also offer cosmetic treatments that not only mask teeth stains, but can also address cosmetic concerns with the shape of the teeth and mask gaps between them too. We could use dental bonding to repair and transform the teeth in one visit, employing the same material used for our tooth-colored fillings. With porcelain veneers, we can use thin shells of porcelain to make instant and substantial changes to your smile, so you have a smile makeover in only two visits in some cases.

If you have any questions about how our team will remove stains with a professional take home whitening kit, or about how we improve smiles with bonding or veneers, then contact our team today to learn more or schedule a consultation.


Our team wants to help brighten your smile with our professional cosmetic treatment options. You can schedule an appointment by calling our office in Astoria, NY at 718-728-8320. You deserve a smile that looks good and makes you feel confident, and we can help!