Same-Day Cosmetic Care With Bonding

astoria dental bondingDid you know that we can often offer cosmetic treatment in only one visit? With dental bonding and contouring, we can correct issues with the shape and color of the teeth in only one sitting. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how we approach treatment with dental bonding and contouring.

A Cosmetic Consultation

How do you get started? Well, simply schedule a consultation with our office! We will talk to you about your smile and the cosmetic imperfections you want to see corrected. We then take a close look at your smile, using digital x-rays and intraoral cameras to offer a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. Once we’ve assessed the cause and extent of your cosmetic issues, we can discuss treatment options. We have a number of options to address the shape and color of the teeth. With dental bonding and contouring, we can correct the shade and shape of your teeth in only one visit.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can offer major improvements for your teeth in only one visit, and using the same lifelike materials employed as part of our tooth-colored dental fillings. Composite resin contains no metal and is safe for everyone. In addition, the material is biocompatible and can be color-matched to blend with your smile. The placement process involves our team gently numbing the tooth before we etch the surfaces and then clean the tooth. We prepare and shade the composite resin and apply it in multiple layers. As we cure the material underneath a light, we will shape and sculpt the tooth, before we polish it for a brighter appearance.

In only one visit, we can mask permanent teeth stains, the kind that traditional teeth whitening may not be able to remove. Our team can also close unsightly gaps between teeth and add length to worn down tooth structure too. We can repair cracked or chipped teeth and also reshape malformed teeth too.


Dental contouring takes a very different approach. We don’t add new material to the tooth, instead we correct minor esthetic concerns by shading and buffing away outer structure. For example, we can gently smooth out grooves, rough patches, and pits in the outer surfaces. The procedure could correct the appearance of minor chips, and dull pointed, sharp, or jagged portions of the teeth. The procedure also helps reshape overly large or malformed teeth topo.

If you have any questions about how we correct smiles with cosmetic dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more. Let’s transform your smile!

Talk To Your Astoria, NY Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about our esthetic treatment options and lifelike dental restorations, please call Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS at 718-728-8320.