Cosmetic Dentistry Can Provide Confidence

cosmetic dentistryIt is extremely important for you to feel confident in your smile. In a perfect world, everyone would feel excited to flash their smiles in pictures and around family and friends. However, this isn’t always the case; many of us have things we wish we could change about our teeth. Whether you wish your smile were brighter, had smaller gaps, or was aligned differently, these feelings are very well. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry offers solutions to most aesthetic issues. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about the various cosmetic procedures we offer and the ways they can help you regain confidence in your smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening

If you are unpleased with stubborn stains on your teeth, professional teeth whitening can help. We offer at-home whitening services, which means you just need to visit our office once, and you can whiten your teeth from the comfort of your own personal space. For this service, we provide you with trays that you fill with a bleaching gel (that we also give you). You then wear the trays for a couple of hours every day over the course of 7-10 days. After this time, your teeth will be noticeably brighter.

Bonding & Contouring

When you aren’t pleased with the shape of your teeth, it is easy to feel hopeless about; after all, it seems difficult to change this. Luckily, bonding and contouring can help. With bonding, we use a biocompatible resin to cover and shape your teeth. This can help them appear larger and more uniform. When we contour your teeth, we remove small amounts of enamel to help reshape them. Both procedures ultimately work towards the same goal of altering the look of your teeth; they just do it in different ways.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers can solve many cosmetic issues at once. They can mask deep stains that whitening can’t seem to get rid of, and they can also alter the shape of your teeth. They are made from a durable porcelain that closely resembles the look and feel of your natural teeth, so they blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile. They fit over your teeth, helping them achieve a more uniform, brighter look. They can effectively get you the same results that whitening, bonding, and contouring do at the same time. They are also very easy to maintain with regular brushing and flossing. If you do take sufficient care of them, you can expect your veneers to last you for many years to come.

Contact Us To Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry

We are proud to offer a wide array of cosmetic services to our patients. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.