When Partial Dentures Are Right For You!

astoria partialsWe recently discussed how a bridge helps address a single missing tooth. But what about instances where someone has several gaps spread out across their smiles? In these situations, something more substantial than bridge may be recommended, such as a partial denture. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how we address tooth loss with a partial!

The Causes of Tooth Loss

 What causes us to lose so many of our natural teeth? While factors such as untreated tooth decay, infected teeth, or injury could cause tooth loss, more advanced cases are often linked to gum disease. Unless managed with regular care, gum disease grows more severe with time, eventually reaching a state known as periodontitis. At this stage, the disease destroys the tissues connecting the teeth and gums, leading to loose and missing teeth. As part of the tooth replacement process, we will identify the factors behind your missing teeth, and then offer a treatment plan to address these underlying issues, preserving your remaining teeth and your new prosthetic in the process.

A Solution with Partials

A partial contains multiple replacement teeth, created from durable and lifelike materials, such as ceramic. We color-match these to blend with your smile. We set the new teeth in an acrylic base that mimics the appearance of gum tissue. They stay in place due to metal clasps that attach to natural teeth. But don’t worry, the clasps are invisible when your prosthetic is in place. The prosthetic will last about 5 to 10 years on average, requiring replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape with time. The denture is removable, and will need to be cleaned and soaked periodically.

Creating and Placing Your Dentures

To create them, we first extract any diseased or infected teeth, and then take detailed digital images and measurements with advanced imaging technology. The information we gather will then be used in a dental lab setting to design and craft the finished product. When you return to the office, we will check the fit to ensure its comfortable and provides a balanced bite. You will then be able to smile with confidence, and also enjoy your favorite foods again. If you have any questions about the causes of tooth loss, or about replacing missing teeth with a prosthetic, then please contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you enjoy a complete and beautiful smile for years to come!

Do You Have Questions About Treating Tooth Loss?

We want to help you enjoy a smile that makes you feel confident, and helps ensure good overall health. To learn more about how we address missing teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.