Do You Know The Common Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea?

Do you have trouble sleeping, or do you have issues with daytime exhaustion? If so, then these could be indicators of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Understanding the common symptoms means you can see your Astoria, NY, dentist for treatment and help avoid the serious complications of an untreated sleep disorder!

Symptoms and Causes of OSA

People with OSA often experience chronic snoring, dry mouth in the mornings, exhaustion and irritability during the day, and trouble staying focused on tasks at work or school. You may have trouble staying awake behind the wheel, and sufferers could also encounter episodes of waking suddenly gasping for air or choking. The causes vary, and are linked to obesity, neck circumference, sinus and allergy issues, deviated septum, and even though teens and adults of all ages suffer from this disorder, most people with sleep apnea tend to be 55 and older. The disorder means that soft tissues in the rear of your throat and mouth actually collapse as you sleep, cutting off airflow so you stop breathing. The brain then wakes you, but you rarely remember these episodes even though they happen several times a night and leave you sleep deprived the next day.

Treating Your Sleep Apnea

If you begin to experience one or more of the potential symptoms we discussed above, then please schedule a visit with our team. We will carefully examine your smile and used advanced technology to take a close look at your jaw and oral structures. From there, we can discuss treatment options. For many, we will suggest oral appliance therapy. After we take impressions and images of your smile, we will use the information to create a custom-made device that fits and looks similar to a mouthguard. Patients wear the device at night and they reposition the jaw to help prevent the collapse of soft tissues that causes an apneic episode. You then breathe without interruption and avoid uncomfortable symptoms.

Changes to Your Daily Life

To reduce the risk of apneic episodes each night try to sleep on your side instead of your back. Lose weight with diet and exercise if you’re clinically obese, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule, which means going to bed and waking up at the same times each day. Avoiding alcohol and caffeinated beverages before bed is helpful, as is keeping your bedroom dark, cool, and free of screens, like TVs, smartphones, or computers. If you have any questions about treating OSA and enjoying a better nightly rest (and a better quality of life), then please contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Obtaining a Better Night’s Rest?

Don’t let poor rest have a negative impact on your daily life or your performance at work. To learn more about treating sleep apnea, then schedule a consultation, call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.