Common Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea

Did you know that millions of people in the United States suffer from poor sleep as a result of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Often, people with the disorder don’t even realize they need treatment! In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how to identify OSA and when to see your dentist to discuss possible treatment options.

Warning Signs to Watch For

One of the more common warning signs of the disorder is chronic snoring, which your significant other can definitely alert you to. Otherwise, you may notice you wake several times in the night gasping or choking for air. Other symptoms include dry mouth in the mornings, headaches during the day, frequent daytime drowsiness, moodiness, or difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. A sleep apnea episode means soft tissues in your throat and the back of your mouth become too relaxed as you sleep, collapsing and blocking airflow completely until the brain essentially wakes you to start breathing again. This constant interruption prevents you from obtaining the deep, uninterrupted rest we need to stay alert during the day.

Don’t Ignore Your Difficulties Sleeping

Not only will the disorder lead to exhaustion, but this could strain your immune system as well, causing more frequent sickness. The impact on your cardiovascular system could lead to a high blood pressure and a greater risk of heart disease, stroke, and even heart attack. If you begin to experience the symptoms we discussed above, please contact our team right away. We can perform a thorough diagnosis to see if you require treatment for this common sleep disorder. If so, we can then recommend possible solutions.

Possible Solutions

In most cases, we take detailed impressions and measurement of your teeth, gums, and oral structures to create an oral appliance. Similar in appearance to a mouthguard, the device is worn as you sleep at night and actually repositions the jaw to ensure uninterrupted airflow throughout the night. We may also suggest sleeping on your side instead of your back, avoiding alcohol and caffeine before going to bed, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Avoiding vigorous exercise or large meals right before bed is also beneficial. If you have any questions about this sleep disorder, or if you think you may benefit from treatment, then please contact our team to schedule a consultation and learn more!

Ready to Talk OSA Treatment?

For people who snore regularly or suffer from problems obtaining proper rest, we can help with our preventive treatment options. Don’t let your overall heath and quality of life suffer! For more information on treating obstructive sleep apnea or snoring, then schedule a consultation, call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.