Does My Smile Need Preventive Dentistry?

We often talk to our patients about cosmetic dentistry, which helps us improve smile beauty, and restorative dentistry, which repairs damage and other issues that impact smile function. But what about preventive care? With preventive dentistry, we offer routine treatments to help our Astoria, NY, patients enjoy healthier smiles!

Routine Exams and Cleanings

First, we need to be able to monitor your smile, which allows us to watch for changes in your smile that could indicate trouble. When you see us twice a year for checkups and cleanings, we use advanced technology to carefully examine your teeth and gums, watching for the warning signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease. We then look for signs of wear and friction that could point to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Our team will also perform an oral cancer screening once a year.

During your cleaning portion, we actually use an ultrasonic scaler to remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth. Plaque is bacterial byproduct that coats the teeth and increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, and tartar is a calcified form of plaque. A routine cleaning not only prevents cavities and periodontal issues, but also helps patients enjoy fresh breath and brighter teeth.

Common Jaw Joint Problems

Once we discover issues that require treatment, we address them quickly to prevent the need for extensive care down the road. For example, for cavities we recommend fillings. If we discover a jaw joint disorder, such as bruxism or TMJ disorder, we may recommend a custom-made oral appliance, which repositions the jaw to ease strain on the joints. The appliance also prevents further damage from bruxism, offering a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth. Treatment helps you avoid further damage to your smile!

Improving Poor Sleep

Prevention also includes sleep treatment! Without treatment, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes people to stop breathing during the night for brief periods, with these episodes preventing sufferers from enjoying deep, productive sleep. Deprived of rest, people develop a number of uncomfortable symptoms and their overall health could decrease as a result. Fortunately, our preventive approach to dental care means prescribing an oral appliance, which repositions the jaw to keep airways open and ensure breathing without interruption. If you have any questions about how we address cavities and gum disease, as well as jaw joint disorders and sleep apnea, with preventive dentistry, then contact our team today.

Do You Need Treatment?

With exams, cleaning, and custom-made oral appliances, we want to help our patients enjoy healthier smiles. For more information on our preventive dental treatments, then schedule a consultation with us by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.