Creating Your Natural-Looking Partial Dentures

astoria partial denturesOur last blog talked about addressing a single gap in your smile with dental bridges. But what if you have more than one gap, and what if they’re actually spread out across your smile? These complicated cases of tooth loss could mean you need a set of partials. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about making your smile whole again!

Partials and Tooth Loss

When you lose multiple teeth, this could create gaps that alter the positions of the teeth, as they will drift over time. The resulting misalignment not only changes the appearance of your smile, but increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The changes to your bite balance and the strain on your jaw joints from your missing teeth could also lead to painful disorders like TMD or bruxism (chronic teeth grinding). Your missing teeth also limit what you can eat, and could make speaking clearly difficult too. To avoid these complications, you should talk to our team about prosthetic dentistry. A partial can address several gaps at once!

Creating a Custom Denture for Your Smile

To begin, we will thoroughly examine your smile and treat and/or manage underlying oral health issues that could threaten your smile, such as advanced gum disease. Our team will also remove any teeth that are severely infected or diseased. Images are then gathered that we combine into a 3D impression of your smile, one that lets us design and craft the prosthetic with precision and accuracy. The partial will contain new teeth set in an acrylic base, one that looks like gum tissue. Ceramic is used for the teeth because this material can be shaded to match your smile. Ceramic is also very durable, and can absorb daily bite forces with ease. There will also be metal clasps that attach to natural teeth and secure your denture firmly in place.


You will have a complete and natural looking smile; one you can’t wait to show off to the world. The dentures will be easy to care for, and we will discuss proper cleaning and soaking. They can last up to ten years in some cases, and will stay firmly in place when worn. You avoid worsening misalignment and limits on what you can eat, and speaking clearly is much easier, so your overall quality of life can improve. We can also take steps to protect your remaining natural teeth and keep them in place!

Your Astoria, NY, Dentist Offers Replacement for Missing Teeth

Our team is ready to help you enjoy a full and beautiful smile. To learn more about our addressing more complicated cases of tooth loss, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.