What Cosmetic Issues Can You Correct?

Do you have problems with the shade of your teeth? Do you also have misalignment or possibly a missing tooth or two? If you have issues with the appearance of your smile, then you may benefit from cosmetic dentistry. We can target and correct the issues impacting the esthetics of your smile.

Teeth Stains

We can remove teeth stains with our at-home whitening option. We send patients home with a custom-made set of trays and a bleaching gel. The patients then fill the tray with the gel and wear them for the amount of time we recommend, typically between a half hour and 45 minutes. Over the course of one to two weeks, smiles can be brightened by multiple shades! For permanent discoloration, we can also mask stains with veneers or dental bonding.

Broken or Misshapen Teeth

If you have a chipped tooth, we can often address minor damage in one visit with dental bonding. We apply the same material we use for tooth-colored fillings, which allows us to repair the damage (and fill gaps between teeth). We can also reshape teeth in a single visit with dental contouring. For more serious damage, such as breakage or fractures, we can place a custom-made dental crown, which will be created using lifelike ceramic.


Instead of using metal braces, we can actually improve the alignment of your smile with a series of plastic aligners, each set custom-made for your smile. The aligners reposition the teeth and remain practically invisible when worn.

Missing Teeth

While not technically a cosmetic procedure, a dental prosthesis can improve smile esthetics by replacing one or more missing teeth. We have bridges for minor tooth loss, as well as partial and complete dentures for advanced cases. We can also help address missing teeth with implant dentistry.

Do You Need Help With Missing Teeth?

At Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, our team is ready to help you enjoy a full and functional smile. We’ve proudly served our patients in Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.