Fixing Misalignment With Clear Aligners

astoria clearcorrectWhen you have uneven smiles, this could impact your oral health and appearance in negative ways. But you may not be excited about treating the problem with metal braces. Fortunately, your Astoria, NY, dentist can help fix misalignment with a series of ClearCorrect aligners.

The ClearCorrect Process

The ClearCorrect system doesn’t require you to wear metal braces at all. Instead, a series of clear aligners are worn, each set for 20 to 22 hours a day over a period of two weeks. The total treatment time varies, and depends on the extent of your misalignment, but many adults obtain optimal results in as little as one year. Each set is clear and barely noticeable, and is custom-fitted to your smile to provide a comfortable fit. This is a cosmetic alternative to traditional orthodontic treatments.

Crafting Your Aligners

We will carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and extent of your misalignment. If we feel our clear aligners are right for you, we will take detailed images of your smile with advanced digital imaging systems. We then combine the images to create a 3D computer model, which is then used in a lab setting to design and craft your aligners. Each one will fit comfortably, and help shift the teeth to more optimal positions, correcting your uneven smile. Remember, addressing your misalignment not only offers a more attractive smile, but could lower the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and even teeth stains. You enjoy better oral health, with a smile that is easier to brush and floss.

The Benefits of Removable Braces

Each set can also be removed and isn’t affixed to your teeth! Which means you can take them out before you eat, and don’t need to avoid certain foods as people with braces must do. Being removable also means you can take them out when you brush and floss, so daily care is much simpler, and you lower your risk of developing cavities or periodontal issues. You can also remove them for special occasions as well, just as long as you wear them for the amount of time we recommend. If you have any questions about how we treat misalignment with a cosmetic approach, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, then contact our team today. We want to help you enjoy better oral health and a smile that inspires confidence.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Orthodontics?

We’re ready to help transform the alignment, beauty, and health of your smile with a series of clear aligners. To learn more about our cosmetic orthodontic system, or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.