How Does A Crown Restore Your Tooth?

astoria crownWhen you have a tooth that aches, or one with a serious oral health issue, we could rebuild and restore it with a crown. A lifelike cap, our dental crowns can address a wide array of common oral health problems in as little as two visits. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist will explain how a crown helps restore your tooth!

The Dangers of Damage and Decay

The interiors of our teeth are mostly composed of a sensitive material known as dentin, which surrounds the inner pulp, the collection of nerve tissue that keeps your tooth functioning properly. The enamel coating your teeth protects these layers, but when a tooth is injured or eroded due to poor oral hygiene, this could expose the tissues to bacteria and allow cavities and infections to develop. Tooth loss could eventually occur as well! To prevent these complications and preserve your smile, our team may suggest a dental crown to address more severe cases of damage or tooth decay.

Creating a Lifelike Restoration

To start, we will carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and severity of your oral health concern. If a crown is the right choice, then we add a local numbing agent and remove structure from the tooth. Next, we take detailed impressions and images using digital imaging technology. The resulting images enable our team to design and craft a custom-made restoration in a dental lab. The materials we use depend on the position of the tooth, and how much bite force it must endure. When possible, we opt for lifelike materials we shade to blend with your smile, such as porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or zirconia. We want you to feel comfortable showing off your smile following your treatment!

Placing Your New Dental Restoration

When the restoration is ready, you will return to the office. We will check the fit and if necessary, make final adjustments to ensure a proper and balanced fit. We then attach the finished product with a powerful bonding agent, which could secure one for decades to come with proper care and attention. Keeping your new restoration bright and safeguarding the tooth we’ve attached it to means daily brushing and flossing, a healthier diet, and of course, regular visits for checkups and cleanings. If you have any questions about how we repair and restore a smile, then please contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Dental Restorations?

Our team is ready to help you enjoy a better smile with custom restorative dental care. To learn more about how our team helps restore the function, beauty, and health of your smile, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.