Repairing Teeth With Cosmetic Dentistry

If a tooth becomes chipped or broken, how will your smile look following repair? At one time, people had to receive metal restorations to address these concerns. Now, we can often place alternatives that are not only metal-free, but have the capabilities to blend with your smile. Let’s talk about the cosmetic repairs we offer our Astoria, NY, patients, and why you should never ignore a chipped tooth!

The Importance of Addressing Chipped or Cracked Teeth

If you notice a tooth has become chipped, then let us know right away. Our outer layer of tooth enamel protects the more sensitive inner layers of dentin, and the pulp, from bacteria. When the enamel becomes damaged, then bacteria can reach the dentin and cause tooth decay. Once bacteria reach the pulp, an infection or abscess could occur. Come see us right away if you notice any damage to your smile. If you sustain an injury but don’t notice visible damage, consider scheduling a checkup anyway. Often, a fracture is invisible to the naked eye, but still exposes the inner tooth structure to harmful bacteria.

The Cosmetic Bonding Process

Often, we correct minor damage with a cosmetic bonding procedure. After we clean the tooth, we apply a composite resin in several layers. A metal-free mixture of acrylic and glass-like particles, composite resin can be shaded to match your tooth and offers strong and long-lasting restoration. We shape the tooth as the material cures under a light and then polish it for a more natural appearance. In addition to repairing minor damage, such as chips and cracks, we also mask permanent teeth stains (which may not respond to teeth whitening) and close gaps between teeth. The entire procedure only takes one visit to complete, so you leave with a restored and beautiful smile.

The Benefits of Dental Contouring

Contouring also takes one sitting to finish, and we often perform it in the same visit as dental bonding. With contouring, we actually remove a small layer of outer enamel to reshape the tooth and address esthetic concerns, such as pointed teeth, pits or grooves in the tooth’s surface, or minor damage, such as a chip. If you have a damaged tooth and would like to undergo cosmetic repair, then please contact our team today. We’re also happy to address any questions or concerns you may have about our bonding and contouring procedures.

Do You Have a Smile in Need of Repair?

If you have a chipped tooth and need a cosmetic dental repair, then talk to our team today. For more information on our cosmetic restoration options, then schedule a consultation with us by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.