5 Steps For Maintaining Better Oral Health In 2017

liebowitz-gum-diseaseWelcome to 2017! A new year is finally here and like most of you, we’re eager to leave 2016 far, far behind us. In addition to your usual resolutions, why not make a promise to improve the health of your smile? There are steps you can take to maintain a healthier smile and protect your teeth and gums from common, but serious, complications.

Improving Oral Health

  1. Brush Your Teeth Correctly: Approach your teeth at a 45-degree angle to reach the tops and sides. You should also use circular motions to brush the front of your teeth. Each session should take at least two minutes (people rarely brush as long as they should). You should clean your teeth in the morning and again before going to bed.
  2. Don’t Forget to Floss: You should floss on each side of every tooth, going up the entire length of the tooth and even under the gums. Doing so removes food particles that can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You should floss every night before bed without exception.
  3. Cut Back on Foods and Drinks High in Sugar: Foods and drinks high in sugar and other starches leave behind particles that can be broken down by bacteria. This process increases oral acidity and coats the teeth a harmful biofilm known as plaque.
  4. See Your Dentist Every Six Months: Every six months you should attend a routine checkup and cleaning. These visits allow our doctor to monitor your oral health and if necessary, offer treatment for potential problems. A cleaning can not only help you avoid cavities and gum disease, but also brighten teeth and freshen your breath.
  5. Don’t Ignore discomfort: If at any time you notice a persistent toothache or tooth sensitivity that doesn’t abate after 48 hours, don’t ignore the discomfort. Instead, schedule a visit with your dentist right away to see if you require treatment.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.