What Do I Do When My Tooth Hurts?

leibowitz-toothache-12-29Do you have a tooth that hurts? An aching tooth can be a sign of trouble. Ignoring discomfort can allow a problem to grow worse until the very stability of your tooth is threatened. What should you do when your tooth hurts? If you have a toothache we suggest seeing the dentist right away, where we can address the issue with a number of restorative options.

What Does a Toothache Mean?

Often, a toothache is an indicator of a cavity. Tooth decay forms when the outer enamel becomes compromised, either through damage or poor oral hygiene, which can weaken a tooth. Bacteria can then reach the inner layers of dentin, allowing a cavity to form and eventually, aches and sensitivity. If you have pain in your tooth that doesn’t subside after 48 hours (as would be the case with pain caused by sinus issues or pressure) then see your dentist right away for a diagnosis.

Do I Need A Filling?

If the doctor identifies the presence of decay, he may recommend a dental filling. We remove the decay and apply a lifelike composite resin to fill the area and prevent further discomfort and decay. Placement only takes one visit and can stop toothaches and prevent he decay from progressing into a dental infection.

When Do You Recommend a Crown?

If the decay has advanced or the tooth become infected, then we may suggest a crown. Unlike a filling, which targets a specific area of the tooth, a crown fits over the entire visible portion. We can use lifelike ceramic to create a crown that blends seamlessly with your smile. If you have any questions about our fillings or crowns, if you would like to schedule a visit, then please contact our office today. We can help decide if you need treatment to stop your aches and restore your tooth.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.