FAQs: Can TMJ or Bruxism Cause Headaches?


Do you frequently develop headaches with no discernable cause? Many people don’t realize that chronic migraines may actually require dental treatment. Both TMJ disorder (also known as TMD) and bruxism are common oral health problems that affect millions of people. Can TMJ or bruxism cause headaches? What treatment is available to address these disorders?

Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ and Bruxism

Question: How does TMD and/or bruxism cause headaches?

Answer: TMJ disorder occurs when the jaw joints become strained, causing tension that leads to a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including headaches. With bruxism, a patient grinds their teeth or clenches their jaw frequently, causing pressure and leading to migraines and other symptoms. Often, bruxism can lead to TMJ dysfunction and vice-versa.

Question: How do I know if I have TMJ disorder?

Answer: Patients with this jaw joint problem may have difficulty completely opening or closing the mouth. Other warning signs include popping or crackling sensations in the jaw, migraines, earaches, and jaw pain.

Question: How do I know if I grind my teeth?

Answer: Many people only grind their teeth at night while sleeping. So unless a significant other can alert you about this disorder, you will need to look for the warning signs. Patients may experience sore jaws, migraines, toothaches, and tooth sensitivity. The teeth may eventually become chipped, cracked, or even worn down.

Question: What are my treatment options?

Answer: There is actually a treatment option that addresses both issues without resorting to surgery or other complicated procedures. With an oral appliance, the patient wears a device similar in appearance to a night guard. However, this appliance is much more complex. The device repositions the jaw, which stops the tension related to TMD. In addition, the upper and lower teeth will no longer come in contact, so patients no longer endure bruxism.


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