What are partial dentures?
Partial dentures, like complete dentures, are made from an acrylic material shaped like your teeth on a plastic base made to look like your gum tissue. Unlike full dentures, partial dentures are recommended if you have some teeth. These dental prosthesis stay in place by attaching to one or more of your remaining teeth. Partial dentures fill in the gaps of missing teeth across a smile arch, even if the teeth are not adjacent to one another. Our Astoria dentist, Dr. Leibowitz, recommends partial dentures because they not only replace tooth function, but also prevent teeth from drifting out of place and causing issues with malocclusion.
What are the benefits of complete dentures?
While tooth replacement is the main goal of dentures, these dental restorations can also improve your smile. You will no longer have to hide your smile because of missing teeth, and you can benefit from the virtual face-lift dentures provide. When you are missing several teeth, your face will begin to look like your mouth is sagging, adding deep wrinkles to your lips and laugh lines. These dental restorations sit on top of your gum tissue, adding height from false teeth to your mouth. This vertical height keeps your face from appearing sunken-in or collapsed by lengthening the jaw.
How can I care for my dentures?
Maintaining your dentures properly is important for your oral health. After the first 24 hours following denture placement by our Astoria dentist, you should remove your dental restoration every night before bed. During this time, your gums can recover from holding up your dentures and your dental prosthesis can soak in cleaning solution. This will keep your mouth clean and ensure the longevity of your dentures.
Astoria Family Dentist
For more information about restorative dentistry, contact your Astoria family dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz. Call 718-728-8320 for more information. We proudly serve patients from Astoria, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and surrounding areas.