How Do We Help Our Patients Sleep Better?

Do you often have trouble sleeping, and feel tired during the day? Do you also experience chronic snoring? For many, the cause of their poor sleep is a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist explains how we can help address sleep concerns with a custom oral appliance.

The Possible Causes of Sleep Apnea

The disorder means that while you sleep, soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat become too relaxed and then collapse. This cuts off airflow, so you stop breathing briefly until the brain registers the drop in oxygen and then wakes you. For many, this could interrupt your REM sleep multiple times a night. Possible causes include a large neck circumference, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption before bed, sleeping on your back, sinus and allergy issues, and a deviated septum. As part of your treatment, we will assess the cause of your sleep apnea!

Don’t Ignore Common Warning Signs

If you snore on a regular basis, this could be a sign of limited airflow and sleep apnea. You may also wake up with dry mouth, or wake suddenly gasping for air or choking. During the day, you could feel tired, moody, and have issues with your memory or concentrating on tasks at work or school. Don’t ignore these possible warning signs, instead contact our team for a diagnosis. We will ask you about risk factors and symptoms, and also examine your smile and oral structures. If we feel you need treatment for sleep apnea, then our team could offer relief with a custom oral appliance instead of a loud and cumbersome CPAP machine.

Custom-Fitting an Oral Appliance

To custom-fit your oral appliance, we will examine your smile and oral structures with digital technology, using the images and measurements to aid in fitting the device. The oral appliance will look like a mouthguard, and is worn as you sleep at night. When in place, this helps shift your jaw and tongue forward to keep airways open and free of obstruction, so you rest better and wake up feeling rested and refreshed, improving your ability to interact during the day. You can also help by sleeping on your side, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool. Try to avoid screens in the hour before bed, and limit alcohol before bed too. If you have any questions about treating sleep apnea, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team wants to help you sleep easier and enjoy a better night’s rest! You can schedule an appointment by calling our office in Astoria, NY at 718-728-8320.