Resolving Cosmetic Concerns With Bonding And Contouring

A less-than-superb smile can be an insecurity for many people, and unfortunately, stains and other surface-level concerns are a common result of daily wear. While treatment such as teeth whitening can help minimize the effects of stains, cracks and chips require a different approach. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY dentist explains how tooth bonding and contouring can address blemishes in your smile and what a cosmetic visit would look like with our office.

Dental Bonding

Though teeth are some of the strongest bones in the human body, they are not indestructible. Not only do they come into contact with several outside factors during routine functions (eating, drinking, etc.), but certain foods and beverages can leave stains. Moreover, a person may chip or crack a tooth in a variety of ways, including during a sports accident or falling and making face contact with the pavement. In situations where a blemish is surface-level in nature but requires more attention than a stain, bonding and contouring can be an excellent choice.

A crack or chip in a tooth can be corrected by bonding a composite resin material to the affected area. It can be used to extend a tooth’s height and even its width, addressing noticeable gaps between teeth and evening out a chip. This material is also tooth-colored, allowing for a lifelike and virtually seamless finish. To learn more about the tooth bonding process and what your options may be, give our team a call today.

Tooth Contouring

To help ensure your treatment mimics the natural shape and texture of your teeth, your dentist will then contour, or shape the structure. Following a dental bonding treatment, your dentist will then carefully shape the composite material so as not to negatively affect your bite and to even it out. This process also helps smooth the tooth structure. Contouring can also be used to reshape overlapping or jagged teeth by carefully removing excess enamel. Ask our team about your cosmetic options, and we will provide a recommendation based on your goals and needs.

Cosmetic Care for Various Needs

A person’s cosmetic dental needs are just as unique as they are. From stains to cracks, chips, crooked structures, and more, part of feeling your best is being confident in yourself – appearance and all. Thanks to dental technology and conservative treatment, you can enhance your smile in as few as one to two office visits, depending on your needs.

Schedule Your Appointment

Resolving cosmetic dental concerns is relatively simple and non-invasive. To schedule your cosmetic visit with our team, contact Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS in Astoria, NY by calling 718-728-8320 today.