Solutions For An Infected Or Abscessed Tooth

We’re currently offering residents of Astoria, NY and surrounding communities emergency care to address very serious oral health problems. In today’s blog, we’re going to highlight a common emergency situation: an infected tooth. Find out what causes a tooth to become infected, and when you should see our team for treatment.

When Should You See Us?

Some emergency scenarios are obvious, such as broken or chipped tooth. But what if you begin to experience pain in one or more of your teeth? Persistent sensitivity or aches could mean an advanced cavity, or possibly an infected tooth. Other warning signs include pain when eating, swelling near the aching tooth, and a discharge from the tooth in question, or headaches. If you experience one or more of these common symptoms, then let us know. You may need treatment to prevent the issue from causing tooth loss and leaving a gap in your smile (and also spreading infection to nearby teeth).

An infection or abscess happens when harmful bacteria is able to make contact with your inner pulp, the group of living tissues that keeps your tooth healthy and functioning. This contact could occur as a result of a cracked or broken tooth, or more likely, the result of untreated tooth decay. Once a cavity forms, it grows and spreads until treated.

Root Canal Therapy

If you experience this pain, contact our office. We will schedule an appointment and ensure you’re the only one in the waiting room. We will also clean and disinfect surfaces and tools in between each patient visit. After we examine your smile and identify the presence of an infection, we will open the tooth to remove the infected tissues from within. A local anesthetic, and possibly the assistance of sedation, will ensure you remain calm and comfortable.

We next clean the interior of your tooth thoroughly, before adding a special material known as gutta percha. We cure the material, and then cap the tooth with a custom-made dental crown. Not only will the crown look natural, but the restoration is designed to protect the tooth from further injury, decay, or infection.

Preventing Future Infections

To avoid infection, take steps to safeguard teeth against weakened enamel and tooth decay. Brush and floss each day as recommended, and also cut back on sugary foods and drinks. If you have any questions about safeguarding your smile, or about recognizing a decayed or infected tooth, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Restorative Dentistry?

We want to help you enjoy a healthier smile and avoid the loss of your natural teeth. To learn more about restorative dental care, then schedule a consultation, call Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.