Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?

leibowitzbruxismBruxism refers to the repeated grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. Millions of people experience this disorder, which can eventually damage teeth and lead to oral health complications. Why do we grind our teeth? What treatment options are available to treat this disorder?

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Grinding

Question: Does stress cause bruxism?

Answer: Yes. Anxiety, as well as malocclusion, tooth loss, TMJ disorder, and injury to the face or jaw can lead to the onset of chronic teeth grinding. Understanding the cause of your grinding problem is the first step in recommending treatment.

Question: Do we only grind our teeth at night?

Answer: In most cases, yes. Many people only grind their teeth while sleeping, which means they may not even be aware they suffer from bruxism. There are warning signs you can watch in the daytime, however. If you notice frequent headaches, soreness in the jaw, toothaches/tooth sensitivity, or facial pain, then you may consider seeing your dentist for a diagnosis.

Question: Can we take steps to stop bruxism?

Answer: In some cases you can take steps yourself to reduce the severity of the disorder. You may start by reducing anxiety in your daily life. You can also avoid eating hard or chewy foods, as the repetitive motions can exacerbate the issue. To ease discomfort, try holding a warm compress against the face, which can also reduce tension in the jaw joints.

Question: What treatment option will my dentist recommend?

Answer: The doctor may recommend replacing a lost tooth, placing a restoration, or prescribing an oral appliance. The oral appliance is a device similar to a nightguard that places a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, preventing further damage as a result of bruxism. If you have any questions about treating bruxism then please contact out office today.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.