Can You Reduce Your Sleep Apnea Risk?

leibowitzsleepapneaDo you have trouble sleeping? Do you often feel exhausted during the day even though you feel like you slept the night before? If so, then you may be experiencing a common warning sign of obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. Can you reduce your sleep apnea risk factors and limit the severity of your symptoms on your own? What if you require treatment?

Reducing Your Sleep Apnea Risk Quiz

  1. True or False: There are several risk factors for sleep apnea.
  2. True or False: You can take steps to reduce the risk of OSA.
  3. True or False: Warning signs include chronic snoring.
  4. True or False: In some cases, the doctor may recommend an oral appliance.

Answer Key

  1. True. Common risk factors for sleep apnea include being overweight, having a large neck (or tonsils or tongue), being over the age of 40, and having issues to related to sinuses or allergies. In addition, drinking alcohol can also increase the severity of OSA symptoms.
  2. True. You should try losing weight, avoiding alcohol before bed, and maintaining a good environment for sleep. This means keeping your bedroom dark, cool, and free from distractions like TVs or computers. You should also maintain a solid sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday, even on weekends.
  3. True. Along with snoring, you may feel drowsy during the day, feel irritable or have trouble concentrating at work or school. You may also wake up gasping for air or choking. Don’t ignore these warning signs. Even if you take steps to alleviate symptoms, you should still talk to your dentist.
  4. True. An oral appliance is worn at night and resembles a nightguard. The device helps move the jaw forward slightly to keep airways open. Patients can then breathe without obstruction.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.