5 Common Dental Emergencies

leibowitzemergencyA dental emergency involves any pain or discomfort that cannot wait for treatment but at the same time isn’t life threatening. Common dental emergencies include aching teeth or damage to a tooth. However, in addition to seeing the dentist there are a few steps you can take to ease the discomfort.

Examples of a Dental Emergency

  1. Toothaches: Often an aching tooth can occur due to cavities, infection, or possibly even a cracked tooth. As a result, any sudden discomfort that doesn’t subside after a day or two should be seen by a dentist. Addressing the pain early can help prevent the need for a root canal or possibly even an extraction. We recommend flossing on either side of the tooth before seeing the dentist to see if an object caught between the teeth is the culprit.
  2. Chipped/Fractured Teeth: If you chip or fracture a tooth then you need to see a dentist right away. Damaging a tooth exposes the interior structure to bacteria, allowing cavities or infection to develop. You can then suffer from a number of uncomfortable symptoms. In addition, an infection can potentially lead to the death of the tooth, meaning it will require extraction to prevent the spread of infection. You should use a cold compress to reduce facial swelling or place gauze over the tooth if bleeding occurs.
  3. Knocked Out Teeth: If you knock out a tooth you should recover it as soon as possible. Only pick it up the crown, or visible portion, don’t touch the root. Rinse it under gently running water to remove dirt and debris, but take care to leave any tissue in place. Place the tooth back into the socket or in a glass of milk and bring it with you to the office.
  4. Loose Filling: If a filling becomes loose you can often purchase dental cement from a pharmacy to hold it in place temporarily.
  5. Missing Restoration: If you lose a filling or crown completely then you need to schedule a visit right away. Avoid consuming foods or drinks high in sugar prior to seeing the dentist as this may cause discomfort to the exposed tooth.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.