Your Top Questions About Clear Braces

clearbracestrayholdHave you been staring at the smiles of celebrities, friends, and even strangers for as long as you can remember, wishing for a straighter grin? If your alignment has gotten you down, you may feel even less excited at the prospect of wearing a mouth full of metal brackets and wires. Now before you assume you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, it’s important to remember that you have another option. Clear braces will straighten your smile, while providing you with the incognito treatment most patients love. Already pretty familiar with details but you have a few questions left before you’re ready to move forward? Ask away!

Questions (And Answers) About Clear Braces

Question: Will I be able to afford clear braces? Are they much pricier than the traditional metal version?

Answer: The general rule of thumb for orthodontic care with clear aligner trays is that the cost of treatment is in line with that of traditional braces. You will need to check with your dental insurance provider for specifics if you are seeking coverage – in most cases, insurance that covers metal braces will cover the clear version, as well.

Question: I’m excited that I can take my clear braces out of my mouth to eat and drink – and to take care of my teeth. I’m assuming I should only do this briefly, is that correct?

Answer: You actually have more than enough time during each day to remove your aligner trays and to take your time enjoying a meal, or to do a wonderful job with your brushing and flossing. As long as you wear your trays for approximately 20 to 22 hours each day, your treatment will remain uninterrupted.

Question: Am I going to be able to speak with my clear braces in or will I sound muffled?

Answer: Your trays will fit snugly and securely over your teeth, so you can rest assured they’re not going anywhere. When you first receive your trays, you may need to briefly adjust and become used to the way they feel as you talk. Fortunately, this period is over quickly, so you can expect your speaking to remain comfortable and articulate.


Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, a native New Yorker, has welcomed patients and families from in and around Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since opening his dental practice in 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.