How Can I Prevent Cavities in 2015?


Dental cavities are common, with only about 2% of the population immune to dental caries. Despite the prevalence of tooth decay, there are a number of very easy steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing them. Why not make 2015 the year you start becoming serious about fighting tooth decay?

Tooth Decay Prevention Tips

Watch What You Eat: Do you snack a lot during the day? Do you frequently consume foods high in sugar and other starches? If so, you are significantly increasing your risk of developing a cavity. Bacteria break down sugar, increasing oral acidity and coating the teeth in plaque. Soon, your protective layer of enamel becomes weakened and the risk of tooth decay rises.

Try Healthy Snack Substitutes: Instead of eating chips and candy, why not choose fresh fruit and vegetables? Strawberries, apples, carrot sticks, broccoli, all just a few examples of fun, healthy snack alternatives.

Drink Lots of Water: We drink a lot of things during the day; soda, energy drinks, and the more athletic of us may enjoy a sports drink. However, all of the drinks are acidic and contain high amounts of sugar. In some cases, sports drinks are just as bad for your teeth as a soda. So instead, drink water. You remain hydrated and your teeth remain healthy and whole.

Quality Homecare: Do you brush and floss everyday? If not, you need to start. At a minimum, you need to brush twice a day and floss once a day. This removes food particles and cleanses harmful bacteria from your smile.

See Your Dentist for a Teeth Cleaning: Finally, you should have your teeth cleaned once every six months. Only a professional cleaning can completely remove plaque from your smile. In addition, a cleaning can brighten your smile and help you prevent the onset of gum disease.


Our Astoria, NY dentist office accepts most major insurance plans. To find out if we accept yours, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz, contact us at (718) 728-8328. We welcome patients living in and around Queens, Astoria, NYC, upstate New York, and New Jersey.