A Healthy Weight and Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth in Astoria, NYSome benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and exercising often are more obvious than others. Obviously you look and feel better, both physically and emotionally. You become less likely to develop diseases and conditions that could severely impact your quality of life, or perhaps even threaten your life itself. Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz, who provides dental checkups in Astoria, NY, discusses the link between healthy habits and oral health. You’ll also find a few examples of upcoming health events in the area.

Blood Pressure Screening in Astoria

Did you know that periodontal disease can increase your risk of high blood pressure? Dr. Leibowitz screens patients for gum disease during their checkup, helping identify risk factors and treatments that could improve the health of your gums. Mount Sinai Queens holds several screening events throughout the month. Times and locations vary. The next available date is December 3rd at 9 a.m. at Dellamonica-Steinway Center for Seniors. Click here for more information.

Yoga for the 50+ Crowd

Stress takes a serious toll on your teeth, as can aging. Grinding your teeth might seem like a harmless means of dealing with stress, but it could results in cracked, flattened, or broken teeth. Yoga is a healthy way to strengthen your body and cope with feelings of stress. Check out the upcoming Yoga for the Fabulous 50s and Beyond. The first December classes take place on the 2nd and are scheduled at 11:00 a.m. and again at noon. You’ll find more details here.

Health Plan Resources

Choosing a new insurance provider is never an easy task, but it is important to partner with a plan that meets your needs. The Queens Chamber of Commerce plans to host an informative event on Monday, December 15th from 9am to 11am. The seminar will take place at the Bulova Corporate Center on Astoria Boulevard and will feature complimentary parking and refreshments. Find more information and register here. If you already have insurance coverage, we encourage you to use your dental benefits before the end of the year.

About Your Astoria Dentist

Our Astoria, NY dentist office accepts most major insurance plans. To find out if we accept yours, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Leibowitz, contact us at (718) 728-8328. We welcome patients living in and around Queens, Astoria, NYC, upstate New York, and New Jersey.