Astoria Dentist Explains What you Should Know about Gum Disease

Gum Disease is More Common than You Think

Nearly 80 percent of adults in the United States have some form of gum disease, from gingivitis to severe periodontitis. While certain risk factors may make you more susceptible to periodontal infection, anyone can get gum disease. Aside from poor oral hygiene, other health aspects like hormonal changes, pregnancy, and diabetes can make you more vulnerable to periodontal disease.

Bleeding Gums is Not Normal

One of the most common signs of gum disease is bleeding gums, especially during brushing. Gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, is also characterized by deep red or purple gum tissue, inflamed gums, or chronic bad breath. As gum disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe and more difficult to treat.

Untreated Gum Disease May Lead to Tooth Loss

Periodontal disease symptoms include a receding gum line. Gingival tissue shrinks away from the tooth root because of an infection between the gums and tooth, called a periodontal pocket. Plaque and bacteria build up in these periodontal pockets causing a greater separation between the tooth and gums, eventually causing the tooth to become unstable in its socket. Because gum disease destroys  connective tissue, periodontitis, the severe stage of this condition, is the main cause of adult tooth loss in the United States.

Gum Disease is Highly Treatable

From the early stages of gingivitis, to severe periodontitis, gum disease treatment can be highly effective. Routine dental cleanings and consistently thorough oral hygiene habits can keep gum disease at bay. Deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, removes gingival infection so that the gum tissue can heal and reattach to the tooth root.

Dental Cleanings in Astoria

Dr. Leibowitz takes gum disease prevention seriously. He conducts all cleanings in our Astoria dental office with a meticulous eye for oral health. If you are experiencing symptoms of gingivitis contact your Astoria dentist, Dr. Leibowitz immediately at (718)728-8320.