Will Clear Aligners Straighten Your Smile?

astoria clearcorrect alignersIf you have an uneven smile that causes embarrassment and impacts your oral health in a negative way, you need orthodontic treatment. However, you may feel a little uneasy about wearing metal braces. But what if there was an alternative? In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about the our clear aligner treatment!

Dental Misalignment

Dental misalignment refers to crooked teeth, or portions of the smile where they overlap one another or crowd each other. This could cause a negative impact on the appearance of your smile. However, this also makes thorough brushing and flossing difficult, increasing the risk of complications like tooth decay and gum disease. Oftentimes misalignment also strains the jaw joints and causes bite imbalance, which in turn leads to disorders like TMD and bruxism (chronic teeth grinding). Correcting your smile not only means a more attractive one, but also improves overall oral health too!

Your Candidacy

Do you have an uneven smile, but prefer not to be saddled with metal braces for up to two years? Then our clean orthodontics may be just what you need. No metal brackets or wires at all, instead we shift the teeth into position with a series of clear and custom-made plastic aligners. To see if you’re a viable candidate for this option, we will need to carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and extent of your misalignment. If clear aligners are right for you, we will move forward with the treatment process.

A Barely Noticeable Option

First, we need to take detailed digital images of your smile from multiple angles, which we combine to create a 3D computer impression. The impression is then used in a special lab to aid in the design and fabrication of your aligners. When they’re ready, you begin treatment by wearing a set for 20 to 22 hours a day, usually for about two weeks. At this point, you then begin wearing the next set of aligners as your smile is gently and carefully corrected. The process continues for about a year for minor cases, or up to 18 months for more serious ones. Added benefits include fewer office visits, and the fact that your orthodontics can be removed before you eat or before you brush and floss your teeth, which makes your daily routine much simpler.

If you have any questions about our cosmetic approach to orthodontics, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Want Clear Smile Correction?

You may be surprised to learn we have a cosmetic option to address crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth. To learn more about straightening an uneven smile with a clear approach, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.