Should You Be Worried About Teeth Grinding?

Has someone told you that you grind your teeth? Is this a concern you should talk to your dentist about? Without treatment, teeth grinding could cause major problems for your smile. In today’s blog, your Astoria, NY, dentist talks about how we treat an issue like bruxism with a comfortable and custom oral appliance.

The Warning Signs and Causes

As we mentioned above, you may have a significant other let you know that you grind your teeth. Otherwise, you may not know until you experience headaches, migraines, jaw pain, and toothaches and tooth sensitivity. If you encounter one or more of these symptoms, then please let us know right away. The disorder could develop due to high levels of stress in your daily life, along with issues that upset bite balance, such as tooth loss, injury to the face or jaw, misalignment, and untreated TMJ disorder.

The Damage to Your Smile

Without treatment, this places enormous pressure on the teeth, wearing down the outer structure and even cracking or chipping them. Even minor damage could increase the risks of tooth decay and dental infection, and the worn-down portion could make your teeth look small and uneven. But don’t worry, as we treat the factors behind your bruxism, we can also use dental bonding or possibly a custom-made crown to repair the damaged teeth and protect your smile from further complications and discomfort.

Creating an Oral Appliance

We begin by taking detailed digital images of your smile, which allow us to identify the wear and friction that indicates bruxism, and to diagnose the factors behind the issue. For some, we could offer treatment with clear aligners, correcting misalignment. We could replace missing teeth with bridges or dental implants, and place crowns to help restore bite balance.

However, for most we create an oral appliance that is custom-fitted for your smile, one that will fit your smile like a mouthguard. When worn at night, the device repositions the jaw to ease strain and stress. This also puts a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth, which prevents further damage to your smile. You can also help by cutting back on caffeine, avoiding hard or chewy snacks and foods, and using a warm washcloth to ease tension in the side of the face.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like bruxism, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Bruxism?

Our team wants to help restore the health and comfort of your smile with an oral appliance. To learn more about how our team treats an issue like teeth grinding, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.