Recontouring Your Gum Line For Better Smiles

astoria gum contouringWe don’t just offer cosmetic care to repair teeth to mask discoloration. We also know that the gum tissues could impact the appearance of your smile. With a single-visit procedure known as gum contouring, your Astoria, NY, dentist can contour the smile and offer a more attractive visit! We’ll also talk about how we can help treat poor periodontal health too.

Gummy Smiles and Poor Periodontal Health

When we have excessive amounts of gingival tissue on display, this is commonly referred to as a gummy smile. Which means you could show off too much gum when you smile, and your teeth could appear small, misshapen, or uneven. You could also be suffering from inflammation due to gingivitis or periodontal disease, which could also impact your appearance. Eventually, poor gum health could mean receding tissues, redness, and bleeding, which could not only alter your overall smile esthetics, but lead to an increased risk of tooth loss! Fortunately, our contouring procedure can often be used to improve smile beauty, and also help address more advanced stages of the disease.

Improving Cosmetics

We begin by carefully examining your smile and taking images with advanced intraoral cameras. We then plan your treatment. We first mark the areas where tissues need to be removed and the gum line altered. A radiosurgery unit will then be used to gently trim the tissues away and reshape the gum line. We sculpt your smile as well, enhancing esthetics. The radiosurgery unit means we won’t need sutures, and that the risk of swelling and bleeding afterward is minimized. For most, a day of rest is all that is needed afterward, you then return to your normal activities with a more attractive smile!

Treating Periodontal Disease

If you have the warning signs of periodontal disease and have reached a more advanced stage, one that could possibly cause adult tooth loss, then our team could use the unit to remove diseased tissues, enabling healthy tissues to once again adhere to the teeth and help reduce the depth of periodontal pockets. We may also perform a scaling and root planing, and recommend routine cleanings every three to four months, to help manage the issue and keep your smile whole and attractive. If you have any questions about our cosmetic contouring process, then please contact our team to schedule a consultation. We would love to help you start a new season with a new smile, one that inspires confidence.

Ready to Improve Gum Beauty?

We want to help you maintain your best smile, and enjoy one that offers a major confidence boost. To learn more about the multiple cosmetic treatments we offer our patients, then schedule a consultation by calling Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, in Astoria, NY, today at 718-728-8320.