Do You Need A Post-Halloween Dental Cleaning?

After today, many adults (especially those with kids) are going to find themselves flushed with candy and other sugary sweets. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional piece of candy, the influx of sugar that Halloween (followed shortly by the holiday season) brings can lead to a greater risk of decay. You may benefit from a post-Halloween cleaning!

Sugar and Tooth Decay

When we consume foods and drinks high in sugar, particles are left behind on or between our teeth. Bacteria will feast on these remaining sugar particles, a process that also elevates oral acidity and can leave plaque buildup behind on the teeth, which promotes enamel erosion. Once bacteria can bypass the outer enamel and reach the more sensitive layers of dentin beneath, a cavity can form.

Dental Cleanings

While brushing and flossing are essential for limiting plaque buildup and keeping your smile healthy, they cannot remove the plaque that has already accumulated. People need to have their teeth cleaned every six months to remove plaque and protect the smile, not just from decay, but also from gingivitis and gum disease.

The procedure involves the dentist or one or our hygienist removing the plaque from the teeth with an ultrasonic scaler or a manual tool. We then thoroughly polish the teeth. We will also examine your smile for signs of developing issues during the same visit, discussing treatment options or changes to your routines that can help preserve your smile.

Additional Benefits

In addition to safeguarding your smile from oral health problems, a cleaning also helps freshen your breath and can even brighten the teeth. If you have any questions about our preventive procedures then please contact our office today. We’d love to schedule a visit and help you on your way to a healthier smile!

Do You Need a Cleaning?

At Jeffrey Leibowitz, DDS, we can help remove plaque and safeguard your smile against serious oral health problems. We’ve proudly served our patients in Astoria, NY (including Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and all surrounding communities) since 1991. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leibowitz, call our office in Astoria today at 718-728-8320.